But my point is that they have not been limited from bidding.
Your assertion all the way along is that competition is limited because contractors who are affiliated with CLAC can't bid. In fact, that's not the case, Kiewit actually bid and got the contracts, even though they aren't normally a contractor that is affiliated with the building trades, because they signed building trades agreements.
It comes back to the whole notion of collective agreements versus.... I guess what we're resisting on this side is the notion that we should allow the federal government to force open, to void, collective agreements that have been duly signed between provinces—as in Manitoba—and unions, or in the case of cities in Ontario, between Toronto and unions, or between Hamilton and unions, or between Kitchener and unions.
Those collective agreements are in place, and what you folks are suggesting is that those agreements should be voided if there's federal money, and that those agreements should just cease to exist because those agreements are what determines the work relationship between organized labour and those municipalities or provinces.