I think there are some good examples. Certainly in the city of Mississauga I can use good examples, where the federal government has agreed to partner on a one-third, one-third, and one-third basis with the province and the municipality to do some things that I think all of our municipalities need.
But the good thing about it is that the federal government is not on the hook for all of it. We're a partner in one-third of it. Do you like that model of a third, a third, and a third so there's accountability? Everybody puts something into the pot. It's not just one level of government funding it all. You have three different levels of government, each responsible to see a project...each one getting to put their sign up by the project, so there's some accountability back to the public as to who funded it, how it was done, and if it was done on time.
The three levels of government are, in essence, forced to work together. Is that a good model for how we do public transit infrastructure funding in this country?