Well, on areas of their own jurisdiction, certainly.
The fact is that the federal government doesn't have jurisdiction in road building or transit building, and yet it levies taxes on transportation fuels. This has created this resentment in city governments, and with provincial governments, which are saying, look, you're levying taxes on transportation fuels, and historically none of this revenue has made its way back to Montreal, Toronto, Sherbrooke, or wherever, in the form of roads, buses, or what have you.
This elaborate mechanism has been evolved for the government to take tax it shouldn't be levying. Give it back to the people who should be levying the tax so they can use that money to build roads.
We didn't write the Constitution in the 1800s. If anyone thinks that city transit ought to be a federal responsibility, you could propose rewriting the Constitution. But it probably makes sense that city transportation, transit, ought to be a city responsibility, and they ought to have the means available to pay for it.