Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Gregory. This has been an eye-opening discussion, because I'm hearing a lot of things I like.
I like what you're saying: that sprawl is caused by free roads that then engender a need for public transit. You only have to look at Calgary and see how it has spread north and south dramatically.
We started from the premise that we were stuck with the system we have, that we need something to put some order in the chaos that is public transit systems across the country, systems that are funded, we think, on the basis of too much political manipulation.
But if what you're saying is that we need to move tax points into the municipal system in order for the municipalities to be able to fund public transit, I don't think we disagree. If the funding can be there, if the federal government is willing to take its excise tax--or whatever tax or income tax points--and shift that to the municipalities, do you agree that's an appropriate way to fund it?