Thank you, Mr. Chair. I will share my time with Mr. Sullivan.
I have a few short questions for you, Mr. Lachance. You talked about 400 oil handling facilities. Perhaps you can tell us later roughly where they are located. In the meantime, I would like to ask you some other questions.
You say that a new monitoring system will be implemented. Training will have to be provided. Can you tell us how many people are currently working on that and how many will be working on it? I am asking this question because, as Mr. Sullivan mentioned, the Auditor General was very critical of Transport Canada regarding its objectives in terms of systems monitoring and rail safety monitoring. I was told that Transport Canada did not have the required resources to achieve its own objectives.
Do you currently have any objectives when it comes to the new system? Could you tell us what kind of resources you have available and how many people are working on that?