Good morning, Minister and officials. Thanks for being here.
Minister, we only have seven minutes together. I wish we had more time.
Minister, I've always believed that the government has an obligation to get the big things right. I know that you would agree with me that anyone can talk a good game. Governments can talk a good game, cabinets can, and ministers can. I've always believed in following the money. If you want to know where a government's priorities are, follow the money.
I'm going to ask you a couple of very pointed questions, if I could. I'm going to put to you some numbers from your public accounts of last fall. Aviation safety was cut 11%, from $222 million to $198 million. Marine safety was cut 25%, from $75 million to $56 million. Road safety was cut 5.5%, from $23 million to $22 million. I acknowledge rail safety did see a paltry increase from $32 million to $34 million. I would put to Canadians that you're spending more on economic action plan advertising, $42 million this year, compared to $34 million on rail safety.
Minister, how do you explain these cuts to safety?