I appreciate that. When we look at the general trends.... A constituent wrote to me drawing to my attention that notwithstanding the bountiful harvest, the trend lines on his farm, because of a variety of reasons, have been trending upward. Production has been on an upward incline. Our oil production in Saskatchewan has been on an upward incline, and the Bakken fuel itself is posing some challenges, and potash also. Everything is sort of trending upwards. The big question everyone wants to know is, is there a capacity issue that needs to be addressed? Is someone looking at that fact? Obviously, we have two rail companies so there are not many options, and we're having trade deals signed fairly frequently these days, essentially with the idea that we would be able to get our product to foreign markets. We're sort of a landlocked country particularly in the Prairies, and the only way to move a lot of our product is by rail, and we only have two rail companies.
Is somebody looking at the capacity issue long term? I'm talking now about five or ten years. Do we have what we need to meet that? It appears it needs some substantial action to take it to the new level, to the new century of what's happening with our country and with our economy.