Good question. There are a few things I want to mention.
When we talk about freight cars, we have to look at North America, because it's not that at the border you change the rules or you change your car as they are going between the two countries. There are no boundaries there.
I think CN has only 148 cars. I think there are close to—my number you have to check—100,000 DOT-111s. We have to check the numbers.
My reference is RSI, the Rail Supply Institute. I'm sitting on the tank car task force.
The other thing is what changes we want to make. Then it will answer your question. Are we going to change the whole design? Are we going to retrofit? Are we going to change the brakes? Are we going to change the fittings? Are we going to change the safety appliances? So there are so many aspects in the design. We have to look at it and see how long it takes. How much does it cost?