In fact, there were a lot of things. We think there's a wall between the board of safety and Transport Canada because in 1996, just as an example, there was an accident up here in Quebec with the QNS&L, and the problem was the one-man crew. The report is well known. It's on the Internet.
Also, we have a report here from 2009. The number of the report is R09T0057. It was an accident that happened in southern Ontario, in Hagersville. In the report of the Transport Safety Board of Canada, on February 11, 2009, page 17:
When only one crew member is left to complete train securement tasks at the end of a work shift, the risk for runaway equipment is increased, because there is no opportunity for other crew members to identify and correct any errors.
So you see already in 2009 there was a lot of concern from Transport Canada about this one-man crew operation. Our position is that we don't believe it's safe because when you transport dangerous goods, at least you have to have some people who will double-check what the operator is doing, and if he's doing something wrong, well at least someone can make the appropriate correction.
Also, when this was implemented by MMA, it was with huge lobbying, without any consultation with the communities, with the unions, with the workers. It was made with no education on how it was going to be implemented, how it will be done, how exactly the people will work with that. Plus, if you record the history of that company, MMA, I don't know what kind of inquiry was made before it was...? In fact, I don't know how MMA had the permission from Transport Canada to go with a one-man crew. Because the history was so terrible, that was not supposed to be like that.