Thank you. Do I have more time?
With respect to Mr. Benson, I know that obviously safety management systems are important and safety values have to be entrenched in the minds of not only the management but the employees as well. At all operational levels that must be displayed. So it is important to have a buy-in by employees for sure. Any safety concerns must be elevated right to the top of the organization without fear of reprisal or any recrimination or retribution and so on. It's important.
It is somewhat remarkable that you're saying we haven't got to that place. I look at a relatively simple matter, the use of on-board voice and video recorders to strengthen safety management systems. Your members would object to that happening when legislation states that it cannot be used for any other purposes than the investigation of accidents and to deal with that. Now you may ask if there is a probative value to it, but most would say that empirically there would be some probative value to it that should trump privacy concerns you may have. Why would you not be prepared to let safety take priority? This is a good place to start. It's a very narrow issue. Why can't we cross that hurdle, notwithstanding that there are other hurdles to cross?
I know, Mr. Beatty, you were going to conclude and didn't have the opportunity, so I'll give you that opportunity now.