Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good morning, everyone. My name is Paul Boissonneault. I'm the fire chief for the County of Brant, Ontario, and the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs' first vice-president.
On behalf of the CAFC and our chief fire officers and firefighters from across Canada, I want to thank the committee for the opportunity to present the perspective of first responders on the transport of dangerous goods and railway safety.
The tragic derailment in Lac-Mégantic has focused attention on the impact of dangerous goods incidents on public safety and the environment. The Lac-Mégantic fire service and their mutual-aid fire departments did an outstanding job in dealing with the largest, most destructive dangerous goods incident in recent Canadian history.
All of us here have the shared responsibility of mitigating the risks associated with the transport of dangerous goods in Canada. To do so, we need a system with preventative measures and protections, including legislation but also inspection and enforcement, information sharing, training, and safe operating practices that ensure safe communities.
The goal of our testimony is to broaden your understanding of the composition, abilities, and needs of the fire services across Canada as well as our recommended actions.
In the Canadian fire services, a significant number of fire departments in Canada share one important characteristic: railway lines run through the communities that they protect. When an accident occurs, they will most inevitably be the first responders on scene. Let's put that into context.
There are approximately 3,500 fire departments in communities of all sizes across Canada, of which 3,200 are volunteer fire departments. Of the 120,000 firefighting personnel in Canada, 80% are volunteers, meaning these men and women, with their full-time jobs and family obligations, volunteer to help protect their communities.
With the diversity in size, resources, and responsibilities of these departments, dangerous goods or hazmat response is only one of many emergencies fire departments must prepare for. Our hazmat, or dangerous goods, training is most frequently based on the National Fire Protection Association's NFPA 472: Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents, which has three levels of training/competency.
First is the awareness level, and then there's the operations level and the technician's level. Due to the high cost of training requirements, most fire departments do not operate beyond the awareness level, which basically gives them the ability to recognize hazardous materials, protect themselves, call for trained personnel, and secure the area. In rural areas, the gaps in training and resources are understandably much wider. Fire departments rely heavily on the emergency response assistance plan or ERAP holders to provide the special technical expertise, and logistical and tangible resources to help us mitigate an incident.
Last week the CAFC applauded transport minister Lisa Raitt's announcement that the Government of Canada will now require ERAPs for the shipments of crude oil, ethanol, and other specific flammable liquid products by rail. This will result in first responders having access to specialized response capabilities when responding to these high-risk dangerous goods incidents.
This was a key recommendation put forward by Canada's fire chiefs as part of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods General Policy Advisory Council and the ERAPs working group that we participated in. The establishment of a task force to review ERAPs requirements in the application is an important step in improving emergency response systems in Canada. As we move through this process of addressing classification in ERAPs, we believe there are various components to the system that will require further discussion and action to mitigate future incidents.
In terms of dangerous goods response requirements, to evaluate what is required to manage dangerous goods incidents, emergency response planners consider several key aspects: information, training, resources, and planning. For the benefit of the committee, we want to focus on a few programs and ideas in these areas that we believe are particularly relevant.
We should first consider information and the vital resource that is the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre, CANUTEC. CANUTEC is critical for the emergency response and planning in Canada, especially in rural areas. CANUTEC is the equivalent of a first responder calling 911 for dangerous goods incidents. Its industry-leading emergency response guide for initial reference and its experienced 24-hour-a-day professional chemists assist emergency responders with advisory and regulatory information in the event of a dangerous goods accident.
We cannot stress enough the importance of maintaining, and frankly strengthening, this service in order for first responders to continue to protect Canadians, the environment, and themselves.
While it has been suggested that individual municipalities should receive real-time data from the railways on trains scheduled to transit their communities, we believe this would be unrealistic and a largely futile exercise, given the thousands of train movements daily across Canada, 99.9% of which occur without incident.
However, when a derailment does occur, the fire service needs immediate access to the train manifest information, as well as the material safety data sheets, the MSDS, and contact with remedial measures advisors, RMAs, having specialist knowledge of the dangerous goods involved. This is the role that CANUTEC can play and must play for all municipalities, and this is where the CAFC believes Transport Canada has a critical responsibility to assist first responders in safely mitigating an incident.
In training, until the Lac-Mégantic tragedy and subsequent incidents in the U.S. and Canada, the dangers presented by large quantities of crude oil had not been recognized as an area where special training and equipment would be required by municipal firefighters. It is imperative that we provide firefighters with the appropriate training and equipment for these types of incidents.
The CAFC has worked with various industry stakeholders to help develop and promote training programs for fire departments, municipal officials, and emergency planners. This has included firefighter training by CN Rail on incident command at derailments, the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada and its transportation emergency assistance program, as well as the Fertilizer Safety and Security Council, in the development and distribution of training programs on anhydrous ammonia.
Flammable liquid firefighting requires special training and equipment that was not included in earlier programs. This now must be developed using a national standard program delivered effectively across Canada. The CAFC is actively working with its stakeholders to further enhance promotion of these resources to our members as well as to develop new programs. To reach the thousands of firefighters with the basic awareness level of training, we believe that using a web-based program will be the most effective means of delivering this information. Additional advanced hands-on training is necessary and should be coordinated with the railways and fire services on a regional basis to maximize the number of firefighters that can be included with the capacity of training resources available.
When we talk about resources and planning, two main issue arise from discussions with our members and stakeholders: access to organized resources, and standards for coordination and planning. A critical point that needs to be recognized is that part of the risk assessment planning process for these emergencies is defining the operational capabilities that are required.
These operational capabilities will be based on three key technical elements. First is the amount of class B foam concentrate that is available to suppress the vapours or extinguish the fire. Second is available water resources or supplies to make finished foam, recognizing that class B firefighting foam streams consist of 94% to 97% water combined with the foam concentrate. Third is the foam education and application devices to apply the foam streams to the hazard. To successfully apply the foam onto the fire for extinguishment requires trained and competent responders who can size up these scenarios and perform the required tasks.
On the planning side, we believe that standardizing an incident command system process for railway incidents is required to coordinate emergency planning and identify the roles and responsibilities of municipalities, railways, producers, and the federal government. Jurisdictional issues and conflicting priorities should be identified and resolved as part of the emergency planning function, and not during an emergency incident. A clearly articulated system that's based on a changeable, scalable response organization providing common and predictable hierarchy will make for a more efficient and effective collaboration and response to incidents.
With regard to resources for ERAPs, the CAFC believes that a mutual aid approach, with all shippers and carriers participating, would be the most cost-effective and efficient means to deliver resources needed to assist first responders. Western Canadian Spill Services, WCSS, and the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Emergency Response Corporation, LPGERC, are two examples of this very approach.
In conclusion, we believe the systematic approach outlined here is required to address the evolving risks associated with the transportation of dangerous goods in Canada. As the voice of the Canadian fire service, the CAFC is proactively seeking opportunities to find collaborative solutions and best practices.
We were proud to actively participate in the TDG advisory council and to lead the emergency response assistance plan working group. We have engaged the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and the Railway Association of Canada to initiate longer-term projects to identify gaps as well as align resources and planning to mitigate future risks.
We will diligently work through Transport Canada's newly established ERAP task group, and with the Government of Canada, this committee, and all members of Parliament, to strengthen rail safety across Canada.
On behalf of Canada's emergency responders, thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to taking any questions you may have.