Forty years ago, the Belgians, the Germans, and the Dutch realized that the Rhine was dying, so they actually figured out a new way of doing business. They started negotiating and implementing, and rendering fully public, eco-covenants.
Shippers of chemical products, chemical factories, chemical companies, environmental NGOs, labour groups, and governments all sit down together at one table in one process. They don't get what I describe as flash-card consultation: now you see it, now you don't. They actually sit down and negotiate. Apparently, German chemical companies have no problem with revealing some of their so-called trade secrets, because these eco-covenants are signed off on by environmental groups. They're made public. They're five-year plans.
Any citizen can find out exactly what's going to happen on the Rhine with respect to the transport of chemical products and risky products. They can find out about pollution levels. They can find out about spills, etc. It's all negotiated in advance. Why can't we work towards something like that in Canada, or can we?