I understand exactly what you're saying. It's the old traditional North American approach. The regulator holds meetings; all kinds of voices are brought to a table; it's all taken under advisement; the doors are closed; and the regulator does what the regulator does. Usually it's with instructions from the political master. That's how it's been working forever in this country.
What I'm asking is, can we graduate and take steps into a new kind of decision-making, where governments are actually prepared to cede a certain amount of their authority? For example, if an SMS is being crafted with a particular company, a major rail company, why can't that SMS be signed off by a major consortium of environmental NGOs who understand the plan and legitimize the plan by actually participating in it? Why can't the labour groups that are actually being consulted sign off? I'm not talking about bringing people into a room, hearing them, closing the doors, and then deciding what's going to happen.