I will quickly give you an example of where SMS works.
A pilot is flying along, and he's given a clearance to climb from flight level 340 up to flight level 350. He reads back “360”, and he climbs up to flight level 360. The next thing you know, he realizes that he's at the wrong altitude, and now what does he do?
In the old days, you would never say anything because you would be fined by Transport Canada. You would be punished for that. So, he writes up in an SMS report that “I thought I read back 350. The controller didn't say anything, so I assumed it was right.”
The company gets his report. Over the span of a month, they get four and five reports of the same thing, so they say, “There's something wrong here.”
It turns out, in this particular instance—I think it was in northern Manitoba—that the repeater for the VHF communication was in a poor spot. It wasn't very clear. They were always having trouble hearing each other. They put in a new tower and now communication is a lot clearer. We don't have those problems anymore.
After the fact, I suppose we could de-identify all this information and say that there was a bad transmitter somewhere, now it's fixed, so the system works. But I don't think it does any good—let's say it was me—for the media to find out that “Hey, Dan climbed to the wrong altitude.” What does that do?