The two things occurred in parallel, if you will. One is the inspection changes. We took what was the national audit program and made it a key part of our program validation inspection approach. It morphed into that. That is our scheduled inspection.
We have SMS assessments that also go on for our industry on a cyclical basis. Those that are subject to regulatory SMS have a cyclical requirement for SMS audits. In addition to that, there's a whole series of other kinds of inspection activities. Those are the process inspections, which previously were more what people tend to refer to in the old type of inspection. They're very similar in a lot of cases now, but they have a little more rigour in terms of how they're carried out and in terms of the reporting requirements in response to audit recommendations.
In that suite of other types of inspections, there are areas including things like manual revisions, pilot proficiency checks, and changes in the status of some of the key personnel at a company that would trigger another inspection on those issues. Those are also classified and gathered in our database as inspections, so there is quite a wide variety of types of inspections.