It's hard to tell. In our case, we have a very widespread campaign to educate our drivers not only in the regulations but more so in terms of, “Here are the reasons why, and here's what can happen”. There's a very nice video that we've used a lot called “The Last Text”. It's of real live witnesses who have been impacted by an accident due to distracted driving. We use that as an educational tool.
We not only educate our drivers but we educate their families as well. Typically, when you look at family values, it's the son or daughter, or the spouse saying, “Yes, be safe. Be careful. Come home safe to us each and every day”. We educate our drivers, our employees, as well as their families, and we've seen a positive impact.
In terms of the use of cellphones, texting, or using electronic devices while driving, we have a zero tolerance policy. We call it a life saving rule. If a driver or any of our employees, ourselves included, does that when travelling for company business, there's zero tolerance. Our progressive discipline is very stringent.