I will now talk about Kathryn Spirit. You probably know where I am going with this.
What needs to be done for the federal government to assume its responsibilities and for Kathryn Spirit to be removed from this location? That vessel has been anchored in Lake Saint-Louis for three years. It is beginning its fourth winter there. It contains two million litres of water contaminated by petroleum waste, as well as fuel oil. The vessel will rust this year. Yet it's located in the reservoir from which the entire Montreal Metropolitan Community draws its water, and which flows into the St. Lawrence.
You said earlier that you do not really have any studies that indicate what proportion of oil spills you could recover. You talked about prevention, so I would like to know what measures will have to be taken to remove Kathryn Spirit from Lake Saint-Louis this winter.
What needs to be done or said? How will Transport Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada work with the community to make sure this vessel is removed from the lake?