That's a really interesting question and it was part of the reason that this became my private member's bill.
We got a lot of calls about one crossing. For that one crossing there was a rail company involved and—this is to your comments earlier about the collaboration with the city councillors—my goodness, the city councillors' lines were lighting up, my lines were lighting up, and there were real problems on the maintenance at one crossing. Obviously you're working in partnership once your realize it's a problem. We started making calls to the company and that's when we found out how complicated it was. My staff were absolutely incredible, the way they were trying to get help for people in the community who had identified a security weakness in their community. We found that it was a process.
Eventually we were able to succeed and get some remediation, not 100% remediation, I might add, but a little bit of remediation in the area. That opened my eyes to how cumbersome it was and I was amazed that the Minister of Transport had no authority over this ability to shut down something that a vast number of people in the community had identified as a serious security issue for personal safety.