Thank you, Chair. Certainly the discussion here has been far-ranging and wide with some big general areas of concern that have little to do with the bill. It was good to hear Mr. Ashley actually focus on the bill. I do know that there are obviously land development issues that need to be tackled by cities and rural municipalities, urban municipalities, and that's a fact. You see development taking place right next to railway, and railway crossings is an issue for sure. Certainly just grade crossings across the country, there are many of them.
The complaints I hear a lot of the time are that it takes the trains too long to cross, or they park, or they're not well seen especially at night and there needs to be improvements in the crossings to make the general public aware of the danger, and so on. There's a fund for that. But those are all things that municipalities apply for and over time some get upgraded, year by year. Generally it's made safer.
But this particular bill relates to a very specific enactment that talks primarily about improving public safety by providing authority to issue orders if railway work or a railway operation poses a threat to the safety of persons or property. It would suggest to me that this bill is dealing very specifically with something that is of apparent and immediate concern that needs attention.
When you look at that, it seems to suggest two things.
It suggests that if a railway safety inspector is of the opinion that the standard of construction or maintenance, so how it's constructed, how it's maintained, or where in the operation of a line work or railway equipment something there threatens the safety or security of the operations or of a person or property, some actions may be taken and an order issued. The minister here is specifically provided with the authority to require the person responsible for railway operations to order the person to take necessary corrective measures. That's really focusing in on what this is all about.
It's one thing to open and close a crossing, but this I think goes beyond that. It says that if you find an imminent concern or danger, you need to act. There needs to be the authority to compel someone to do something. Wouldn't you agree that's what this is all about and that in fact it's good to have the extra authority to order these kinds of things to be done?
Perhaps Mr. Benson or Mr. Bourque....