I hadn't thought of it that way. I'd prefer to eliminate it entirely. In other areas of transportation, everybody has an opportunity to bring it to the committee. I think it's improper for one group, or any group, to go directly to the minister. The frustration I have in dealing with Transport is that quite often the response is, “We'll just call over to the RAC and ask them to write a rule.” This is absolute silliness in the modern world.
A company's bottom line is to make money. The government's job is peace, order, and good government. This mixes the two. It assumes that somehow a company is going to have the best interests of the Canadian public in mind. That's your job. This is these people's job.
Eliminate it. Or if not, if you like it, then add on to it and say that Teamsters Canada can do the same. I'm sure that will fly.