I appreciate that.
The reason we're having to ask you, chief, in your capacity here today is that last week we asked the minister four times and she wouldn't answer. She won't tell Canadians what's going on with the cuts in her own department. She's hiding them. So we're having to turn to other folks on the front lines, such as you, who are having to perform really difficult tasks.
In fact, your brief is full of asks for money, for support, and for training. It looks as though you're cobbling onto a quickly pulled-together bill by the government, trying to find resourcing that you need to do your job and that your teams need to do their jobs around the country. It's unfortunate, because when a department is cut by 11%, that's what good folks like you are compelled to do. You have to come here and beg Conservative MPs and the majority of this committee to cobble together some kind of funding mechanism so that you can do your jobs with safety.
I want to turn, if I could, to the second them and ask all three of you very quickly, do any of you, including Mr. McMillan, know the final numbers so far for the cost at Lac-Mégantic?
I'll start with you, chief.