Thank you.
This appears to be appropriate and it looks as if there is provision for further changes, if necessary.
Third, the administrative monetary penalties, AMPS, section 177 of the act is amended by adding proposed subsections 177 (2.1) and 177(2.2), providing for penalties of up to $100,000 per violation for failure to keep the agency apprised of changes and that are in violation and to remit the levies and to keep appropriate accounting records. FMA supports this.
Finally, concerning proposed amendments to the Railway Safety Act, it is preferable—and what I say will be controversial—to leave safety management systems and the detailed management of safety to the railway managers and employees. However, replacing section 32.4 with the new subsections 32.4(3.2) and 32.4(3.4), and adding a new section 32.01 gives the minister authority to order the railways to take “necessary corrective measures”. This is reasonable, especially with regard to short lines, and FMA supports this recommendation.
That's all I have to say.