Very good.
Since I have the floor, I'd like to ask another question.
We did ask the minister when she came to the committee, and she said that she would submit to the committee the math that was used for calculation of the fund or the $250 million. I was wondering if it was tabled today.
Not today? Okay.
When the Minister of Transport appeared before the committee, she agreed to submit the math used to calculate the $250 million for the fund. So do you, as the Transport Canada representative, have those numbers? Can you provide them to the committee?
Again, it has to do with the calculations around the risk assessment.
For the risk assessment, from the start we've been asking for more information and more transparency for us to better understand the bill, and the minister did say that she would table the basis of the calculation to the committee.
I understand that we don't have it yet. Is it in the hands of Transport Canada? Can we expect to get that? Were you informed?