Thank you.
We hear a lot about the infrastructure deficit—whatever that might mean—and the estimates vary quite widely. I see in our notes here that the size of municipal infrastructure deficit, based on surveys published between 1996 and 2012, has been estimated at between $44 billion and $238 billion. That's quite a variance and hardly anything that you can specifically rely on. To my way of thinking, an infrastructure deficit would mean that if you had to replace an asset and hadn't replaced it after whatever its lifespan was, you're in some kind of a deficit situation. Therefore, most municipalities amortize their core infrastructure, whether it's a water or sewer line or a waste water management plant. The aging of it maybe has some significance.
When I look at your speaking notes, you talked about the average age of core infrastructure over the past 10 years, and you show a decline of 2.8 years. At least that would tell me that we are making progress. Similarly, when you look at the spending on the infrastructure base to GDP, if you're going upwards, that's progress.
When you look at the amount of money you've spent—in your speaking notes you said it's risen from 2.5% in the 1990s to 13% at its peak—you can say that's progress.
How do you arrive at the aging formula relating to core public infrastructure? Where do you get your information? What does it mean? How do you assemble the specific age of an infrastructure project across the country? Can you get into that detail a little bit for me?