Under the gas tax fund there is a specific allocation amount that is taken out of the program off the top and provided to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada to manage for on-reserve groups, for first nations on reserve. That is managed outside of our department and not only through the gas tax fund. There are allocations taken off other programs as well under the provincial and territorial infrastructure component under the NIC.
Beyond that, the gas tax fund that we then deliver to provinces that flows to municipalities, it goes to the municipalities as defined by each jurisdiction. They will decide who the recipients are within that jurisdiction.
One thing that is encouraged under the gas tax fund is collaboration and working together to try to address some of the issues you mentioned about these very small jurisdictions. We know that some provinces, and Saskatchewan is a great example, have encouraged small municipalities to work together, whether it be with first nations or other groups, to try to promote infrastructure that makes sense on a regional basis.