One way we might do this is by using our federal convening power and bringing various organizations together. I know that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, in partnership with the Canadian Construction Association, the Canadian Public Works Association, and other partners are working on an infrastructure report card.
There was an infrastructure report card published back in 2012 that gave some limited insight into the state of some of the issues with respect to various infrastructure assets. But it was a very targeted survey, I would say, because it only targeted I believe four asset classes, which included local roads, drinking water, waste water, and maybe one or two others. Only a limited number of municipalities actually responded to the survey, which in fact could present some data challenges as well.
Moving forward, the FCM in partnership with other key partners has been looking towards the 2015 infrastructure report card, for which they've expanded their survey to include several other infrastructure assets. We're hoping we might be able to get some more robust information through this next iteration of the infrastructure report card. Doing so might help us in some of our policy thinking as we move forward.