Under the new building Canada plan, as I said, we have three key funds. We have the community improvement fund, which includes the gas tax fund as well as the GST rebate. Infrastructure Canada has nothing to do with the GST rebate because that's administered by CRA.
In terms of the gas tax fund, that funding is allocated on a per capita basis and actually flows through the provinces and territories for the most part. There are some exceptions to that, of course. In Ontario, we actually flow the gas tax fund directly to Toronto, as well as through the Association of Municipalities for Ontario. In B.C., there's an exception where we also work through the Union of B.C. Municipalities.
The provinces and territories act as a facilitator through the gas tax fund to ensure the funding gets out to municipalities and to ensure that there's proper reporting done as well in terms of the types of projects that we're supporting under the gas tax fund.
The other key fund that we have under the new building Canada plan is the new building Canada fund. Under that, we have the national infrastructure component, or NIC, as we like to call it.
The way that NIC works is that applicants come directly to Infrastructure Canada. Whether it's a province, territory, Canada port authority, or the private sector, they come in directly to Infrastructure Canada. It's a merit-based program. We look at projects as they come in and assess them. There's not necessarily a direct role for provinces and territories through NIC, but they can certainly apply for funding through the program.
Then we have the provincial-territorial infrastructure component, or PTIC, as we like to call it. Under PTIC, we have two components. One is the national-regional component, which is made up of $9 billion, and the other is the small communities component, which is $1 billion. The way we allocate the funding under PTIC is that each province and territory receives base funding of $250 million, and what's left of the $10 billion in total is allocated on a per capita basis. Then we look at the allocations for each province and territory, the federal set-aside for each, and 10% of that is for small communities. That is funding for municipalities with a population of 100,000 or less.
The way the relationship works with provinces and territories under the PTIC national-regional, which is the $9 billion, is that it depends on how the provinces and territories want to determine their priorities. In some cases, they may refer back to their 5-year or 10-year capital plan. In some cases they may consult with the municipalities in terms of their priorities. In other cases, they may have an outright intake process where municipalities and other eligible recipients may apply for funding.
Once provinces and territories have gone through that process, they then come to the federal government with a list of priority projects related to the funding we've set aside for them, and we do a basic review of the project to make sure it's eligible. Once we determine that it's eligible, we'll require a business case in order to do full due diligence on the project to make sure it's a sustainable and viable project. Once we have approved the project, or if a project is approved, then we enter into an agreement with the province or territory, or directly with the recipient, if, for example, the recipient is a municipality or some other eligible recipient.
In terms of the small communities fund, which is the $1 billion of the $10 billion under the provincial-territorial infrastructure component, we negotiate agreements with each province and territory. It's like a very high-level contribution agreement, which will outline the terms and conditions of the relationship—the governance, decision-making process, auditing, due diligence, and so on—undertaken in terms of the small communities fund projects.
Once that agreement is signed, the province or territory may decide, again, to have a distinct intake process for small communities with a population of 100,000 or less. Or they may already have projects that are prioritized, which they may want to bring to the attention of the federal government.
Usually we will get a list of projects from a province or territory under the small communities fund. We will do our assessment, as we always do. Assuming that the projects are eligible and viable, we will fund those projects through the province or territory, or in some cases maybe even directly with the municipality.