Mr. Leclerc, I left without getting you to answer, and I think I have enough time for you to do that.
Along the line of the gas tax fund, we appreciate a couple of things. One municipality may need a water treatment plant while another one may need something else. In my riding, one municipality built a water treatment plant, and another one applied under another program and was able to get funding for that. One has a heavy tax burden, and the other one has a lighter one. One beauty of the gas tax fund is that it can be allocated as needed. There are some core municipal needs that every municipality has, but they come up at different times.
It was mentioned by Mr. Braid that if you know you're getting a certain amount every year, you can actually go to the bank and borrow over the long term to get that project committed.
Do you see all those as positives? Perhaps you could make the comment that I never got you to make in the first five minutes.