Well, I haven't been in one yet that's gone badly, but I know of ones that have gone badly, that people thought were P3s. I guess that goes a bit to the definition. If you have a properly structured thought-through P3, what does it mean to go badly? If you had a problem, the private sector might have to pay more, but I think that's not a problem for me as long as I know what I'm paying and they don't pay more. I'm not actually in this to see the private sector make money. I'm in this to make sure the public sector gets best value for taxpayers.
I can give you an example of things that people trot out as failures. The Government of the Northwest Territories entered into an arrangement with the private sector to build a bridge. The private sector was going to provide the financing, but the government promptly turned around and guaranteed all their financing. What happened to the risk transfer? Where's their money on the line? When the contractor couldn't build the bridge and walked away from it, the Government of the Northwest Territories was sitting having guaranteed all the debt. I wouldn't call that a P3, because the private sector didn't put up their financing.
If you think you're doing a P3, but you don't understand clearly the concepts or you don't contractually translate into the legal documentation the idea of wanting them to take that risk, and if in fact the financing doesn't actually get lost.... There are lots of ways in the process for the value for money to leak away if you don't know what you're doing.
That's why governments, led by the Government of British Columbia, started creating agencies like Partnerships BC, with expertise to make sure the public sector was getting good value out of those deals. The whole country learned from British Columbia, and then the whole country learned from Ontario and what it's done through Infrastructure Ontario. I'm a beneficiary of what those two provinces started, and now we're sharing it with the rest of the country. Saskatchewan has created SaskBuilds.
You need to be very careful when you're doing these things. Can you negotiate yourself a bad deal? Absolutely you can. Do we do a lot of hard work to make sure we don't? Absolutely we do, but if you make sure their money is at risk, it's almost impossible to have a “bad deal”. It might end up being a bad deal for them, because they may lose their shirts, but that doesn't bother me too much.