If you're a municipality, first of all I'll tell you to phone us and we'll talk to you.
We run annual investment rounds, so we'll take applications, and within three months we'll tell you, broadly speaking, whether or not your project makes sense as a P3. Then we will take you by the hand through the whole process.
We've done many projects like that. We have tools on our website, if you want to take a look at certain things. You can ask yourself 10 questions, and depending on your answers, you can get a rough estimate of whether you have something that would make good sense as a P3: here's what a business case would look like; here's how you go through it. We work with our clients all the way through. We've done that with 13 municipalities across the country. Right through the procurement process, we will share with you templates of things that have been done before. We'll say here's how Regina did their waste water treatment plant, and here are the contractual models. When we help people, they agree to give us all of the intellectual property for those things and we can share that with other municipalities so they don't have to reinvent the wheel in all of these kinds of things.
We have a roster of expertise. If you want to hire a lawyer, we've already pre-qualified people who have the type of expertise you can draw on. We can bring people right through that process and provide them with that type of expertise.