I can't see that graph to know the specific dip you are referring to. Our analysis is, as I mentioned earlier, that in the 1950s and 1960s there was significant investment, close to but not quite 5% of GDP all in; so all orders of government were investing in infrastructure to build a country that was going to be a powerhouse and a member of the G-7 with strength in the OECD, etc. Then somewhere in that period after the 1950s and1960s, into the 1970s, infrastructure investment across the country declined significantly. I wouldn't attach it to a specific era around 1995. It's more a longer-term dip in the infrastructure investment that spanned a few decades.
The point is that in that era when there was down to 2% GDP being invested in infrastructure, we were simply, as a country, not maintaining, not renewing, not rebuilding our infrastructure, so that the general state of infrastructure was in such decline that it became an economic constraint, a social constraint, and an environmental constraint. Thus, the infrastructure deficit conversations that began in 2007 and more recently are a result in part of the underinvestment by orders of government over many years.