You've hit the nail on the head with respect to our concerns around the public transit fund with respect to P3s, not that it's being managed by PPP Canada; that's just a management framework for a funding mechanism. Our concern is to ensure that the municipality has the decision-making authority to determine the degree of private sector involvement and the kind of relationship with the private sector. We expect these projects to be of such scale that there will be private sector involvement just in the normal course of this kind of project. There is the concern about the municipal capacity for decision-making in that regard.
Also, absolutely, the 25% and 33% are a huge deal for us. Now, we're not assuming the negative, here, because we haven't finished the negotiations, and nothing has been made precise. We're involved in discussions with the federal government on those two very issues, but those are fundamental issues, and the 25% and 33% are a very big deal. If you just look at phase one of the Ottawa LRT, and you see the three partners in the public-private P3 framework, over the 30-year life of the project, at 25% the City of Ottawa would end up contributing 43.6% of the cost of that project. This is a big deal for us, and we will be pushing as hard as we can to bring that into line with other federal cost-share programs, so that it will be a full one-third.