I think you may have misheard that. In fact, 60% of the assets are owned by municipalities across Canada. As a result of that, ensuring that there are good asset management practices across the country is very important for the federal government. It's important for all levels of government, but there's a role for the federal government to play as the leader in promoting and supporting asset management at the municipal level.
Asset management is the holistic approach to evaluating, investing, maintaining, and replacing your infrastructure to get the best value out of it. That requires resources of staff time and staff expertise. It requires tools and systems in order to get that in place, but in the long run it results in cost savings and is the best investment for the municipality.
In order to build that capacity at the local level, there does need to be some dedicated funding to support that. I hear concerns from my colleagues from all municipalities. We deal with prioritization of needs, and asset management is sometimes seen as something like a planning exercise. Just as an approach to how we're going to deal with our assets, it is not necessarily prioritized when it's put up against real life or the reality of a crumbling bridge, potholes on the road, or that type of thing. We really believe that a dedicated fund for capacity building and asset management is the key.