Well, in several ways. I mentioned earlier the economic impact assessment we had by an independent organization just last year, which demonstrated that these projects save governments $9.9 billion. That number is a reflection of the fact that projects are coming in on time and on budget. There is an expense there that normally is incurred by governments and is averted in that particular instance.
More importantly, the essence of a public-private partnership is that 30-year life cycle. What makes P3s quite unique is that they are ensuring that an asset that's being built will be maintained to a standard agreed to by both government and the private sector at a particular level and returned to government 30 years from then in exactly the condition that was agreed to. If that isn't the case along the way, for instance, if the facility is not maintained, the private sector is penalized for that.
For instance, if it's a hospital and the contract says—it's quite granular—that the air conditioning in the OR will not be out of service for more than an hour and if it is, you'll be penalized $10,000, I can promise you that in every instance that air conditioning will be working within 59 minutes. You have these provisions in these contracts to ensure that the standards agreed to are met. If not, the penalties are severe and are all absorbed by the private sector.
The cost of traditional infrastructure is very different in a P3. As you know, there are several projects, particularly in Toronto, that are way behind schedule and way over budget, including the Spadina extension, by $400 million, and Union Station, Nathan Phillips Square, and the waterfront. They are all projects that went ahead as traditionally procured projects and are way over budget, and therefore they are incurring expenses that government otherwise wouldn't incur if it were a P3.
While I won't address Mr. Sullivan's comments in any depth, what I will say is that the Union Pearson Express, delivered on time and on budget, will be open and functional on June 6. I promise you that Mr. Sullivan will be on board at some point and going to the airport in Toronto.