Certainly throughout Europe and particularly in Asia, I would say, and even in new places like the Middle East, they are investing massively, by a multiplier of a hundred, in mass transit specifically, and these are parts of the world that until very recently were doubling down on car infrastructure. They've had an epiphany in a relatively short period of time about the smarter investment that public transit represents and they're putting their considerable funding power towards the new bet on public transit.
Then all over the world we see everything from.... Just recently the Government of Turkey announced that they were going to fund the providing of one million bicycles, which is a rather unusual example. I'm not suggesting that for the Canadian government, but it shows how federal governments all over the world are starting to think in the details about how to do more with less. These are countries that start off having less money than us, but frankly, we could learn a lot from their creative and frugal nature because no federal government has as much money as it would like to have.