Thank you.
I'll start with you, Mr. Siemiatycki. When I was listening to you, I said, “I think he likes P3s and I think maybe he doesn't.” There were some good points and some bad points. I would take it that each project is different and not all are best suited, so you have to look at the overall picture before deciding how you might go. I appreciate the fact that a lot of expertise is required at the contractor level, the lawyer level, the accountant level, and so on. Those are all important.
One witness who was here before us indicated that part of the problem with cost overruns and the huge cost of building a particular project is that you have one party doing the design work and they're not necessarily taking into account the construction. Then you have somebody else doing the construction and they don't take into account the maintenance later, or what might be involved to do that. So you don't have the optimum utilization of dollars for the project, yet if you're getting one person to see all three, there are some gains to be made by that, and some advantages.
I know you said that the architectural designs may not be quite like you or others would have liked them; maybe there are some compromises that are made there. Do you see that area as something that is advantaged if you have someone who has the expertise, capability, and gravitas to do all three?