I think, to compare it to certain countries that are doing better than we are, it is the size of the funding, its predictability over the long term, and the fact that it's prioritized towards the kind of infrastructure that we know has bigger gains in terms of economic spinoffs, like mass transit. Walking and biking can sometimes be perceived as local issues, but I feel they should be bundled into active transport or other kinds of categories like that to suggest that they actually work together to help build what are called multimodal cities that give lots of options both for the economy and for people moving.
I've seen other examples in parts of the world that are actually doing worse than we are. If it gives us any comfort, there are places that are doing worse than we are. Australia, for example, at the federal level, only allows funding for roads. It doesn't even allow funding at the federal level for transit, which really puts local municipalities and states into a tough fix. But I think to say that we're better than Australia is faint praise.
The need for a national transit and transportation strategy is really about recognizing that every single city in Canada has recognized that mass transit is a critical component of the region's success and economy, in every way we measure success. Every single one is struggling with the funding.
Not only does the federal government need to provide at least a third and more, but it needs to provide probably more flexibility—in partnership with the provinces, of course—for municipalities to be able to raise funds. Right now municipalities are expected to pay too much of the capital costs, given their limited funding tools, and as has been stated, they are expected to do all the maintenance.
To the party who raised the issue of ownership, I would suggest that municipalities would probably be glad if other levels of government would take more ownership, if they would actually provide the maintenance, or municipalities would be glad to have the ownership and the maintenance if the federal government and provincial governments were willing to restructure the essential funding of where the tax dollars go to match ownership.