I was struck when you said that the transit system is fundamental to your economy. I looked at one of your charts on trying to get motor vehicles off the road. It costs money to maintain roads. If you can get them off the roads that's a positive.
You were saying there's a growing demand to move people, workers and students, around. Like the program, you want it coherent, on time, and with a degree of certainty. We do have the technology that can tell us when the stops will be and how we can get there. We can almost instantly know where we are.
Fundamentally, the fact that you would have a fund dedicated to transit I expect you would say is a good thing, because it targets the very issue that you raise as a concern. The other aspect would be ensuring that you have that reliable, consistent, clear funding that you can bank on, leverage, and so on. If I heard you correctly, one of the lines was going to cost $2 billion, rolling stock, everything in; the third share, roughly $700 million, a little less.