For the metered cost, the cost increase is less significant. I don't have the full sheet in front of me with the rate hikes by category, but it will be less significant. Many businesses in that category that send 50 or more pieces of letter mail per month wouldn't have a business meter. The meters actually cost a lot, so unless they are huge volume users, many companies in the SME community have moved away from metering services. If they do rely heavily on the mail, if they are sending that 20,000 or several thousand pieces, then, yes, they will go to a meter and they will have a price break, but there will still be much more than a 5% increase in their costs, and that can be material.
We at CFIB—you talked about the survey a second ago—send out to our 109,000 members four times a year a paper-based survey to solicit their opinions. While it's still free to send it to you as a member of Parliament, that's going to increase our costs significantly as an advocacy group. We'll probably be able to swallow it, but a lot of charities won't.