Good afternoon, Madam Chair and committee members. I appreciate the opportunity to be here today.
I'd like to start with some context about the Canada Infrastructure Bank and then give you a brief update on our progress.
The bank was established in June of last year. Our purpose is to bring together government proponents of new infrastructure projects with private and institutional investors to get more greenfield projects built for Canadians. With our partners, Canada Infrastructure Bank plans to expand the way that infrastructure is planned, funded, and delivered in Canada. We will do this by engaging private sector partners early in the planning and design process; advancing revenue-based business models; and co-investing, alongside private sector and institutional investors and government partners.
The bank provides an optional tool to help public dollars go further, by attracting private investments into new, revenue-generating projects that are in the public interest. This can free up government resources for other priorities.
There are three distinct aspects to our mandate.
First is our investment role. The bank can invest $35 billion over 11 years in new projects. Our shareholder, the Government of Canada, has identified three priority areas for investment: public transit, trade and transportation, and green infrastructure.
Second is our advisory role. We will provide advice to government partners on the suitability of projects for revenue models and possible financial structuring.
Third is our data role. We will work with governments and public agencies to assess what infrastructure data and information is currently being collected across Canada. We will help identify gaps and work to fill them. The goal here is to enable informed decisions about infrastructure investments, based on evidence.
Today, governments contribute to infrastructure projects through direct grants or subsidies, or in the case of P3s, governments pay the private sector through performance-based contracts.
At Canada Infrastructure Bank, we want to attract additional private investment and expertise to new projects that may be close to commercially viable but not quite there. We'll do this by making the project structure work.
As a co-investor, the bank can inject capital or support at the right times to make the overall project viable for private sector investment. In our model, payments to private sector partners will come from revenue that's linked to usage of the assets. Revenue can come in many different forms, such as fees, tolls, fares, and also mechanisms based on appreciating land values.
In projects that are supported by the bank, the beneficiaries of a new asset or service will help cover the cost. Keep in mind that this approach does not replace traditional government funding for infrastructure, nor does it replace P3s. Our model will complement the existing funding models.
With respect to progress, our independent and very experienced board of directors was appointed on November 16, just five months ago.
One of the directors, Bruno Guilmette, temporarily stepped off the board to get the bank's investment functions up and running. Bruno has put a great deal of effort into designing our investment policies.
We have established priorities and budgets in our five-year corporate plan, which will be submitted to government for approval.
We are currently recruiting for senior management, professionals, and support staff. We currently have 17 employees and contract staff, including pending hires.
The search for our first chief executive officer is well advanced, and I expect a decision will be made soon. Recruiting the right leader, with very specific skill sets and expertise, does take a lot of time.
In closing, the bank is establishing a solid foundation of people, processes, and systems. This foundation is essential if we are to make responsible, long-term investments on behalf of Canadians.
Thank you. I welcome your questions.