I think your question is around the traffic and the forecast in terms of revenue. There are two ways of looking at the Gordie Howe bridge file. We're looking at the volume of traffic, but we have to look through the lens of this being a very crucial trade corridor for Canada and the United States itself. You can look at a year or two back in terms of fluctuation of traffic, but what we've done since the beginning of that file is look at decades of traffic. If we look at four decades of traffic for that corridor, we're talking about an increase of 3% in terms of the traffic. Yes, there are fluctuations—when 9/11 happened, when the economic crisis of 2008–09 happened—but these are fluctuations taking place. If you look at the trend, we are looking at a 3% increase that took place.
You've got the cars, but you also have to look at 2.5 million trucks a year going through that corridor, so we think it's very important to look at that.