As you point out, the national trade corridors fund is very popular. It's very heavily subscribed based on our initial first call for interest last summer. There's no question that many regions across the country are interested in this fund, which, as you say, addresses projects where there are issues of bottlenecks or congestion in our transportation corridors.
There's no question that the region you're referring to, which includes the St. Lawrence Seaway, is a very important transportation artery in our country, and as such, is definitely a worthy and viable candidate. At the moment, this is a program that is based on merit. It's not an allocation by province. We look at every submission that comes to us, and in the vast majority of cases co-funding is involved from not only the federal government but also other levels of government and the private sector.
In the announcements we've made so far, we've seen that we've been able to leverage money beyond the federal, but I would say to you that the region you represent is an important transportation corridor for this country in getting our goods from the Great Lakes or to the Great Lakes and the cities around them out to the St. Lawrence and to foreign destinations.