Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
With all due respect to my colleague across the table, I do feel the need to clarify the fact that I do not believe it is the role of parliamentary committees to support the work of the department. I think we're here to learn on our own, and to inform our own caucuses about what we've learned. While I hope that the report we submit may be taken up by the department, or even the minister himself, I think we continually get dragged back into that narrative about our being here to support the minister's work and the department's work. We're not. We are masters of our own destiny, and we study the things we want to study because we want to learn from them.
I want to ask a question building on the comments that my colleague made in his initial intervention regarding oil by rail. What, if anything, is in place that brings together departmental officials from various departments—for example, Transport, Infrastructure, and Natural Resources—to perhaps look at addressing an issue that might cross the lines of those departments? If you could define that for me, I would appreciate that.