Actually, I think it is a both/and. I think it's actually even a both/plus. Some of the elements of the trade and transportation corridors initiative.... As I said, all of it builds on the regional strategies, but it's being looked at from a national perspective. It's not that we aren't doing anything Asia-Pacific ever again; it's just that it's been rolled into the bigger national strategy. In fact, the point of TTCI was to learn from the previous 10 years and try to improve it if we could.
One way we did that is that the Canadian port authorities are now eligible to receive funding, which they couldn't before. The small airports in the national airports system can now receive funding, which they couldn't before. As I said, the recipients list has grown as a result of some inadvertent blocks that were in the previous program.
So it isn't that we stopped this and started something entirely new. In fact, if you look at it, it's really a continuation. But what we were seeking to do was to make it a continuation that's even better and that learned from the history of the 10 years that we had.
Also, when we were doing the consultations across the country in support of transportation 2030, which is largely a response to the Emerson report, what we heard was that a national strategy was what the users of the system really wanted us to focus on, not just region by region, but how all the pieces fit together.