I've travelled the country, and we've deployed solutions across the country into the United States and around the world. I'm a very proud Canadian.
One thing I recognize is that this region.... The Great Lakes seaway is bigger than Niagara. It's the entire 3,700-kilometre border through the middle shipping trade corridor, which hits all the next points along the way, with Niagara of course being at the centre. This is a vibrant, hugely valuable asset.
I do binational trade and international trade. I want to be here, but we need this region, this area recognized for what it is. I also believe that if it's recognized we can make a contribution nationally and internationally. We're equally active on the west coast, and a little less so on the east coast. With the contribution we can make by doing the kind of work that you ask questions about, and with the big data and the research institutions here in Niagara and in Quebec and Ontario, and exporting that around the world, I think it's just very impressive.
I'd like it to be recognized. I'd like all the partners recognized. You talked about smart cities. All the CEOs from the major ports and small ones are part of this initiative in terms of a dream, in terms of recognizing it. If we're recognized, I think we might be able to attract the investment. The collaboration is already there.