Thank you for the question. I just have a couple of points on that.
First, we've heard the term “collaboration”. We have multiple jurisdictions. Having worked in a binational area for a number of years, I note that the first thing you do is establish your common objectives. If you have agreement upon those, how you deliver on them is the stuff of concerted effort.
My other comment is that we also talked about integration of systems. Integration is not a concept. It's a verb, so at some point there has to be a strong statement to say, okay, now is the time. If there are partners, levels of government and industry that want to be part of the solution, they have to jump in and actually act in that fashion. That requires collective will and, I believe, some leadership. Certainly, in terms of things like borders policy and programs that come from that, I believe they're a good trigger for prompting that kind of integrated action.