Certainly by the end of the week, we will have had our first trip to work on this issue, and we have several meetings scheduled, based on the witness list that the clerk has received. I would expect that, at the end of the four meetings that the committee has agreed to have, we would do an interim report—if that's the wish of the committee—to the Minister of Transport and table it in the House of Commons as an interim step so that the government knows what we've heard and what the recommendations are to this point.
We'll work that out with our analysts when they put that report together. We'll review it, and table it if the committee is satisfied that it has captured what we've heard and has recommendations as to where we go from here, which quite possibly could be a second trip to the east and another trip to the west. Whether that ever happens, given the fact that we're going into an election year, at least we've tabled it and have said that part of this direction should possibly go that particular way.
That's my thought based on what we've been hearing. Collect the information, get the report from the analysts with some recommendations and table it in the House as an interim report, a first step towards establishing the corridor.