I come back again to the plan we have submitted to you.
We simply want a pause, a 12-month suspension, in the examination of Bill C-10. We want to sit down with you and discuss it. We want you to act as arbitrator in the dispute between us and Air Canada so the list of our demands—which I will not read, since you have them in front of you—is known. We will need the help of Transport Canada. At present, there are people who no longer have their aircraft maintenance technician licence. That would be simple to solve.
People are working alongside me to make our plan achievable. If we submit a good business plan to you, then, like any good federal government and any good provincial government, you are going to help us financially, for example, if we need to buy equipment. We do not need a lot of specialized equipment to start the hub up again, because A. J. Walter Aviation and Lockheed Martin are behind us. So together, we can succeed.
I appear before you today so that we can find a solution. I am asking you to suspend the examination of Bill C-10 and discuss an agreement.