—so it's probably not appropriate for me to comment on that particular item.
With respect to the coal being shipped out of B.C., a lot of coal being shipped—there are different types of coal, obviously—is metallurgical coal, the coal used in the production of steel. Given the manufacturing around the world, that coal is going to be in increasing demand in the world with respect to building infrastructure and producing steel and manufacturing products. You'll see an increase from that product alone.
With respect to the other type of coal that goes into use for energy generation—again, I'm not an expert on coal, but we have had some discussion on this—in Japan, given the earthquakes and the issues with respect to nuclear power, they've spent a lot of money looking at technology, emissions, and different types of technological solutions to deal with the burning of coal. My understanding is that there has been an increase of coal going into Japan also. Their technological side of it has improved the emissions side of burning coal in Japan.