It has been.
As you may know, admittedly, the current uncertainty with steel, based on the U.S.-imposed tariffs, is something that we're trying to work through, but we haven't got to yet. With that said, there is, however, an opportunity with the current situation that we find ourselves in, due to the package that the three ministers actually announced back in July, as you may be aware, with respect to the ROs, the remission orders, and of course, the duty deferral under the duty relief. Also, as part of that package, there is a partnership with the EDC with respect to diversity dollars being made available for diversifying your operation both with respect to equipment capital as well as with respect to other initiatives that may be under way, like an intermodal or multimodal system.
I would also suggest that you work with your partners, with the plan that you have in place, to make application through the EDC to look at some of the funding arrangements that can be made to look after some of those multimodal, intermodal recommendations that I'm sure your plan identifies.
Lastly, with respect to the logistics challenges that you mentioned, I think a few people tried to get a bit deeper into what those were. Can you be very specific on what those challenges are?